Public Opening Event

December 4, 2014, 17:00

C3 - Center for International Development, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna

Please register for the event by email (Subject: "Dec. 4, Opening Event")

"The Role of Fairness in International Resource Politics"

December 4, 2014

Natural resources have become a key issue in international politics. Competition for access to and control of natural resources has intensified, and so have conflicts over the distribution of benefits as well as over negative environmental and social impacts of exploration and production. In this context, the question arises of how to conceptualize “resource fairness”, i.e. how access to, distribution and use of natural resources can be organized in a way that takes into account the legitimate interests of all actors and institutions involved. In this context, far-reaching questions emerge with regard to the current modes of production and living. In the opening event of the conference, different conceptual approaches to resource fairness will be introduced and confronted with each other.

17:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Members of Organizing Committee
17:15 Keynote Lecture: “Resource fairness from the point of view of global justice”
Thomas Pogge, Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University
18:00 Comments
“The role of normative concepts in struggles over natural resources”
Kristina Dietz, Researcher at the Institute for Latin American Studies, FU Berlin
“Conceptualizations of resource fairness in international law”
Isabel Feichtner, Ass. Professor for Law and Economics, J.W.Goethe Univ., Frankfurt/M
18:30 Public Discussion
Facilitator: Werner Raza, ÖFSE – Austrian Foundation for Development Research
19:30 Wine Reception
1st Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics | Universitätsring 1  | 1010 Wien